In summer 2008, egg products plant Ovostar has successfully completed the process of building an integrated system of quality control and safety products to the requirements of ISO 22000:2005 and HACCP (HACCP).

Today, because of Ukraine's accession to the WTO, in the highly competitive conditions more and more attention is paid to quality control and food safety and the HACCP principles are aimed at streamlining and systematizing such control.

In 2005, the first International Standard ISO 22000:2005 "Food safety management systems - requirements for any organization in the food chain" (Systems Administration food safety - Requirements for any organization in the food industry) was developed. The requirements of this standard include: the basic requirements of standard ISO 9001:2000, method principles of HACCP, as well as requirements for industrial activities (sanitary measures, procedures for repair and cleaning equipment, pesticides control, etc.)

Standard ISO 9001:2000 is a system of quality management that provides: improved management system and enhancing its efficiency, improve product quality, a competitive advantage when entering the Ukrainian and international tenders, increase in the company's image and enhance its investment attractiveness.

System of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is a science-based system that helps to ensure production of safe products by identifying and controlling hazards.

The system is acknoliged on a global level, and today in the European Union, the USA, Canada the implementation of the method HACCP in the food industry are required. In Ukraine, we can see the reverse situation, because as the system of HACCP, and certification of ISO, is a voluntary certification that shows the desire in all achieve perfection and care about the quality of its products.

The control system of food safety based on HACCP concept increases the efficiency of production due to reallocation of resources in the most critical areas of security products, and provides significant advantages when entering the international market. By implementing this system, LLC Ovostar thus guarantees its customers a high degree of hygiene and safety of its products.